Awana is held from September through May. Each night that the clubs meet, they will be learning Bible verses in Handbook Time, playing games at Game Time and have Council Time where they will learn an age appropriate lesson. Each of the 3 sections will last approximately 30 minutes. Awana is an exciting club for kids of all ages to participate in.

The acronym, Awana, comes from the first letters of Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed, found in the scripture reference 2 Timothy 2:15.
2 Timothy 2:15 "Give diligence to present thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, handling aright the word of truth".

Want to join us?

The club meets on Sunday evenings from 5:10-7:00 pm during September through May.

What is Awana?

Awana is a weekly Bible-based program that spiritually challenges young people in a fun and interesting way! There are four different Awana groups at Hopewell Baptist Church. The groups for 2 years old through 6th Grades are:

2 years old

3-4 years old

K-2nd grade

3rd-6th grade

The Awana Pledge

I pledge allegiance to the Awana flag, which stands for the Awana Clubs, whose goal is to reach boys and girls with the gospel of Christ, and train them to serve Him.